2017 Abstracts


The goal of this conference is to engage health care providers and students from a variety of disciplines in professional knowledge transfer and discussion, in order to improve the health and wellbeing across the life span for persons with a developmental disability. The conference planning group invites abstract submissions for 90 or 45 minute interactive workshops and for poster presentations. Submissions from students are strongly encouraged.

Abstracts should demonstrate how the presentation addresses the following topic(s):

  • Effective practices to help improve the health and wellbeing across the life span for persons with a developmental disability,
  • How interprofessional collaboration can improve the delivery of health care across the life span for persons with a developmental disability,
  • Innovative and emerging practices and outcomes in the assessment and treatment of complex needs across the life span for persons with a developmental disability,
  • The role of community health care in providing appropriate health care across the life span for persons with a developmental disability.

Submitting Abstracts

Please go to hwdd2015.eabstractsubmission.com to start the abstract submission process. Note that names, title, and abstract should be provided as it should appear on the website and in the program, including the order of the presenters’ names.

Information to be provided includes:

  • Contact Person: This will be the person submitting the abstract; contact information will be collected as part of logging into the online abstract submission system
  • Title: Give the full title of the workshop or poster
  • Presenters/Authors: List the name(s) of the presenter(s)/author(s), including the main institution they are affiliated with; note these will be the names that will be displayed on the conference website and in the conference program guide
  • Topic Area: Indicate which one topic area the workshop/poster best aims to address
  • Format: Indicate if the submission is a 45- or 90-minute interactive workshop, or if it is for a poster
  • Abstract: Summary of the content (maximum 100 words); note this will be the content that will be displayed on the conference website and in the conference program guide
  • Detailed Description: Provide a more detailed description of the workshop and/or poster you are submitting (maximum 500 words). Workshop submissions should include:
    • one primary outcome of this presentation (i.e., “As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to…..”)
    • a description of the interactive elements of the presentation (e.g., how the audience will be engaged in activities, discussion, reflection, etc…)
    • a brief agenda of how the 45 or 90 minutes will be filled (e.g., amount of time for lecture, small group activity, activity debrief, discussion, etc…)

Abstract Evaluation

All submissions will be evaluated based on:

  • relevance to conference topics
  • demonstration of evidence-based, innovative and emerging approaches to care
  • clarity and completeness of submission.

Workshops will also be evaluated on:

  • ability to engage participants in an interactive, outcomes-based learning experience
  • suitability to fill the selected time frame.


  • Call for abstracts closes: Thursday April 30th, 2015
  • Notification of results: Monday, June 8th, 2015
  • Presenter response: Thursday, June 18th, 2015
  • Electronic version of handout materials submitted: Monday, October 5th, 2015

Additional Details

  • Presenters must register and pay for the conference on their own if they wish to attend; honoraria and/or reimbursements are not available.
  • Presenters will be asked to have any handout materials sent to the organizers approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the conference.
  • Presentation days/times will be determined by the Planning Committee; if you have any limitations, please indicate this immediately upon the receipt of your acceptance notice.
  • A laptop and screen will be provided in each presentation room and rooms will be set with round tables of 8-10 people per table. If you have any other unique requirements beyond this, please indicate this immediately upon the receipt of your acceptance notice.